Sunday, 20 July 2014


'Twas many moons ago when Ragnar hooky-nose was still King,

A great Kraken came in fra' the sea and began to devour everything.

With skin like chain-mail and teeth like butcher's knives,

To it's snapping jaws many maidens lost their lives.

Many heroes and warriors bold came to slay the beast,

On their bones and bloody entrails the Kraken it did feast.

The first to fall was Finba the fat who tripped on a tree root,

Then the beast devoured him whole like a marten eating a fruit.

A hundred men a hundred deaths a hundred funerary shrouds,

Over the land the cruse of the kraken spread like dark, brooding clouds.

'Til finally Colin the canny appeared with purpose in his heart,

To slay the green scaly beast he would use all his craft and art.

He cut it's flickering tongue out and spilled it's guts asunder,

Then he cut it's head off and it died, no bludy wonder.

Oft-times on a stormy night the ghostly roar of the Kraken fills the night,

But 'ere the dawn sweeps over the sky the sun shines gold and bright.