Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Coming of Age


The world had been at war for the last three hundred solar years. I had been born into war and the way things were going I would die in war. We had been fighting endlessly it seemed.
At the start it was the Xeega. A delegation had arrived at our planet to discuss trade, but we knew they had come to spy so we imprisoned them. Their warships arrived soon after and the war commenced.
No sooner than we had defeated them when the Charein contacted us seeking permission to set up a base on our planet. We replied with missiles and rendered their home world sterile. We knew that they had planned to invade us and needed to be taught a lesson.
One hundred solar years later the Quaang had arrived and putting their space vessels into stationary orbit beamed down onto our world. They were an ancient race who had developed superior technology which they ‘said’ that they wished to share with us. We just decided to take their technology why share when we were the stronger side?
The war began and we had been fighting the Quaang ever since.

I lay face down as the heavy tanks rumbled by on the other side of the road. I clutched my rifle and prayed that they didn’t stop. I ate the dirt for half an hour as the machinery moved by and then there was silence. I had got away with it. Now, to rendezvous with the rest of the group.
I slowly arose checking about me for any activity. It all seemed quiet but appearances can be deceptive.
The dart launched by a small weaponoid struck me in the shoulder. They had left these small mechanical sentries along the route like they used to lay mines. Movement triggered their weaponry. This was a change in their methodology and it had caught me out. I felt unconsciousness wash over me and blacking out I fell to the ground.

When I awoke I found myself without my rifle,  in a small room. It had no windows and although there was a door I knew instinctively that it would be locked. As if to confirm my fears I attempted to open it, but I realised that I was right. I was a prisoner.
I rubbed at the mark left by the dart and noticed that the wound looked infected. It was red around the edges and I could feel the flesh was very warm.
I spent a few minutes banging on the door to no avail. I could hear the sound of my assault echoing down what seemed to be a very long corridor.

My watch was still working and after a few hours had elapsed I resumed my attack on the door.
“Hey!” I shouted. “I need some food and water! I am a human being!”

Two hours later I heard movement in the passage outside and I began hitting the door again and shouting. I heard something scratch the outside of the door and then there was nothing.
I had had just about enough of this. If they wanted to kill me then so be it, but I wasn’t going to be imprisoned like an animal. I grabbed the door handle and twisted it – it opened.
I was at the head of a long corridor and along the floor I could see splashes of what I took to be blood. There was lighting of a kind and I could make out that the gory trail ran the entire length of the passage and led to another door at the far end.
Suddenly I heard a crash behind me and turned just in time to see the room where I had been imprisoned collapse in on itself. If I had still been in there…. Then I noticed that the walls of the corridor were also distorting and folding. I turned and ran towards the far off door as some force began systematically destroying my prison.

Throwing the door open wide I threw myself through and crashed into a sandy surface. I was in a desert and as I got up I could see that it extended out in all directions. Looking back I saw my exit doorway fold in on itself and disappear. A thin wind blew over the area and I shivered. Where was I? Was this to be the end of my life?
The light from the planet’s red sun faded as a type of evening approached. I wondered how long the period of darkness would last for. I needed food and water, but as I gazed out on the fast fading plain I wondered where to start looking.

I must have slept, for when I opened my eyes I realised that it was light again.
Some distance off I saw a dark square object sitting in the sand. I leapt to my feet and ran across to where it stood. It hadn’t been there when I went to sleep, I was sure.

It was a flagon of water and alongside lay bits of cooked animal flesh and black bread. Never had I tasted anything so good, I finished all the food and washed it down with copious amounts of cool pure water.

“You are rested, fed and refreshed,” a voice boomed from behind me. I swung round and found myself facing a Quaang mandarin. Standing eight crells high, he gazed down at me.

“Where have you brought me to?” I shouted. “Return me to my planet. I am a warrior and I demand to be taken back to the battle.”

The Quaang mandarin, a superior in the armed forces, raised his arm. It was metalloid and carried various weapons.
“You will get your chance to fight,” he said. “A challenge has been set up. You will fight an opponent, if you win, we, the Quaang will leave your planet forever, but should you lose…well, your home world will be destroyed!”
“But I am wounded,” I said showing the mandarin the wound inflicted by the weaponoid.
“A mere flea bite,” he laughed. “The blood we strew in the passage should have raised your physiological fight/ flight capabilitiesand blood lust  turning you into a very capable fighting machine. Come, meet your adversary.”

The figure dressed in grey flesharmour and holding a large pikeaxe, stood silently waiting. I hadn’t seen him or her approach but it could have been Quaang magic or their ‘superior technology’. 
“I suppose I will be getting something to fight with,” I asked in a mocking tone.

The mandarin raised his metalloid limb and I felt a creeping sensation over my body. I looked down and saw flesharmour similar to my adversary’s but coloured red, begin to cover me until I was totally encased. A pikeaxe appeared by me sticking out of the sand. I pulled it out and tested its weight; now give me some fighting space!

We circled each other as the red sun rose in the sky. It was hot and I could feel trickles of sweat running down my back. My opponent looked at me from behind his/ her helmet and I felt their eyes drilling into me. This person hated me and intended to win.

All at once I was attacked, my opponent swung the pikeaxe at my feet and I had to leap above the blade to avoid injury. I parried and brought my blade swinging towards his /her helmet, but with a quick duck of their head my pikeaxe whistled by unchecked.
We fought for solar hours. I parried, they blocked. I lunged, they countered. It was almost as if the adversary could read my mind and I his/ hers.

Eventually as the red sun hung above the horizon, we both collapsed on the sand, exhausted. No clear winner, a draw. But I knew that this state could not be allowed. The Quaang mandarin required one to be a victor and one a loser.

I struggled to my feet just before my foe regained his/ hers. I could hardly lift the pikeaxe, but I raised the weapon using bruised and battered muscles and began to approach my opponent.

“Enough!” A voice boomed from behind us and I turned wearily to see the Quaang mandarin standing with his metalloid arms stretched out.
He looked across at me and shook his head.
“Do you know why neither of you can defeat the other?” the mandarin shouted.
I stood silently and shook my head.
“Do you wish to look upon the face of your enemy?”
I looked up at the mandarin and nodded. I needed to know.
He raised his arm and I felt the creeping over my body begin again. The flesharmour was retracting and soon I stood in only my tunic, breeches and boots.
“Gaze upon your worst enemy!” the mandarin screamed and pointed.

Across from me stood a mirror image of myself, complete down to the same garb. My twin looked as mystified as me.
“Yes, your breed is your own worst enemy. You fight with everyone you meet,” said the mandarin. “Your planet is in endless wars where populations die needlessly and the surface of your planet is scoured by nuclear blasts. We, the Quaang have raised our consciousness by selection and have improved our standard of life. We came here to offer you information and technology to bring your world up to a standard whereby you could join us as brothers and sisters. The Universe is infinite and has many opportunities. Stop fighting now and take our hand in friendship.”

I looked up at the alien and I felt his friendship was true. Gone were the suspicions and mistrust. I felt that our initial partnership could… would work. We could join with other worlds. We could journey and make bonds and forge allegiances.
“What have you done to me?” I asked the mandarin. “I feel ….different.”
The Quaang mandarin waved his metal arm and my reflection and I merged. It felt like the return of an old friend. Someone who I hadn’t talked to for a very long time.
“The dart from the weaponoid contained as well as the drug, a virus which alters brain patterns and basic modes of logic and thought formation. It makes you more susceptible to listening and acting on suggestions and proposals,” the mandarin explained. “Now enter the passage and let us return you to your planet.”

I returned to the four dimensional passage and room and as I waited I knew that for all these years my race had been wrong. We were too closed in on ourselves, too arrogant and proud to accept new things.
A chime sounded and the door that I had entered in the desert opened on the light of my world.

We never looked back for the virus was contagious and it wasn’t long before our governing body was in talks with the Quaang initially and then with other planets that we could trade with. Soon our world would be part of a massive network of space routes which would spread outwards like a spider web to all points in our Universe.

The Quaang mandarin and I stood below his starship as it prepared to leave, returning to his home world.
“Thank you for opening our eyes,” I said shaking the metalloid hand.
The Quaang ships roared into the air and I watched until their tail fires vanished among the stars.
It would take them several solar days to return to their planet, a world called by us as Zarran or in the Quaarang tongue – Earth.


1 comment:

  1. This may be something of a left handed compliment, but i see this story as a graphic piece; something that would work well for 2000ad - a future shock!
    it has all the ingredients and most importantly a strong resolution.

    the only thing i would be tempted to do would be to increase the level of violence between the combatants.
